Conversation with Paul Magel, President, Business Applications & Technology Outsourcing Division, CGS
Paul Magel discusses how fashion business can leverage technology to create supply chain visibility and efficiency. He recommends strategies, such as multi-sourcing and shared risked relationships, for brands to be avoid vulnerabilities, especially during times of crisis.
Zazi Vintage Dirigir con ética
En este episodio, que es parte de nuestra serie mensual que resalta una marca ética, conoceremos acerca de Zazi Vintage, una marca de moda ética originaria de Ámsterdam.
The ABCs of Fashion Marketing During a Pandemic
In this episode, “The ABCs of Fashion Marketing During a Pandemic,” we explore how creative directors are developing campaigns remotely, and how they must balance between customer realities and brand integrity.
Conversation with Carissa Barrett, VP Retail, Byredo
Carissa Barrett discusses her role as an innovative retail leader in the beauty industry, facilitating success for managers, which in turn creates an optimal experience for customers. She shares insights on how the high-touch, high-emotion beauty industry is adapting due to the pandemic
En busca del nuevo liderazgo en la moda
En este episodio, “En busca del nuevo liderazgo en la moda,” consideramos las maneras en las que las cabezas ejecutivas deben adaptarse a las crisis y cómo esto cambia la forma en la que las compañías de moda realizan sus contrataciones.
Q&A with Joshua Williams of Fashion Consort, host of News Bytes
Joshua Williams, the host of NewsBytes and creator of the weekly podcast series, Retail Revolution, has been gaining attention for his in-depth conversations with special guest speakers such as photographer Nigel Barker (America's Next Top Model) and Luisa Herrera-Garcia (SVP of Production at John Varvatos). A professor and consultant, Williams is currently the MPS Associate Director at Parsons School of Design and is often asked to speak at events worldwide as well as appear on news broadcasts to share his expertise on current issues in the fashion industry and fashion higher education. Also the founder of Fashion Consort, a consultancy that draws on a deep network of experts and professionals to produce content that inspires, entertains and educates businesses, students and consumers. Williams launched his short-form podcast in February as a more personal and intimate way to connect with an audience. Less than a year later, News Bytes is being distributed in partnership with FashionUnited to expand its international reach.
Conversation with Luca Marchetti, Senior Lecturer, IFM & Sorbonne Nouvelle
Luca Marchetti deep dives into current issues in fashion, related to inclusivity, diversity and cultural appropriation. He discusses the complexity of fashion branding and marketing especially on a global scale and to multiple generations, all with fast-shifting, sometimes contrasting, values.
Los empleados de las tiendas están en la primera línea de batalla
En este episodio, “Los empleados de las tiendas están en la primera línea de batalla”, hablaremos sobre los retos y oportunidades que existen para involucrarse a conciencia con los empleados de las tiendas durante una crisis de salud.
新零售革命 Bonus Episode: Fashion Retail in China with Xia Feng 冯霞 (in Mandarin)
In this special bonus episode, in Mandarin, guest host Joy Chen speaks with Xia Feng about fashion retail in China. 在这期特别栏目中,特邀主持人Joy Chen 将会对话How Consulting的CEO冯霞女士,分享冯总关于疫情期间中国零售的策略布局变化,中国企业对新变革的积极应对以及对国际市场带来的引导和启发。同时,她也提及了中国新零售即将迎来的新机遇!
Las mascarillas son las nuevas bolsas de moda
En este episodio, “Las mascarillas son las nuevas bolsas de moda”, exploraremos cómo el Covid-19 ha afectado las tendencias de moda, convirtiendo algo requerido en algo deseado.
Conversation with Massimo Volpe, CEO, Global Retail Alliance
Massimo Volpe discusses the need for a more interconnected conversation between global retailers. He shares insight on omni-channel retailing, from a generational perspective, and discusses new technologies such as voice commerce.
Le masque ce nouveau IT bag
Dans cet épisode, “Le Masque facial, ce nouveau it bag”, nous explorons la manière dont la covid-19 a influencé les tendances pour finalement faire d’un produit obligatoire un objet désirable.
Conversation with Ron Thurston, Author, "Retail Pride"
Ron Thurston is an experienced retail executive with a demonstrated history of delivering exceptional results and building culture. Skilled in trend analysis, retail, client development and growing store fleet count.
Conversation with Nick McHenry, CEO, OneShop
Nick McHenry shares insights on the shifts in clientelling, drawing from his experience in many fashion retailing environments from mass to luxury. He emphasizes the need to offer a personalized experiences, which he describes as less about technology and more about empathy and understanding.
In Search of Fashion Leadership
In this episode, fashion career specialist Meghan Houle considers the ways in which executive leadership must adapt to crises, and how this changes the way fashion companies hire.
Annonce: News Bytes + FashionUnited, édition française
Bonjour, je suis Julia Garel, animatrice de l’édition française de Fashion Consort NewsBytes. News Bytes a été créé par Joshua Williams, professeur et consultant dans l'industrie de la mode, spécialisé dans l’aspect commercial et business de la créativité et du design.
Annuncio: NewsBytes + FashionUnited, edición en español
Hola a todos, yo soy Christin Parcerisa, presentadora de la edición en español de Fashion Consort NewsBytes. News Bytes fue creado por Joshua Williams, profesor y consultor en la industria de la moda, con un enfoque en negocio y comercio, así como su unión con la creatividad y el diseño.