Sustainability in Fashion
Founder Joshua Williams discusses the complexity of sustainability as it relates to the fashion industry and how it has become an industry buzzword.
Conversation with Zi Xuan and Yijia Wang, Co-Creators, advene
Zi Xuan and Yijia Wang, founders of Advene, discuss the process of developing a new accessories brand in the middle of the pandemic, with a focus on sustainability and transparency. They discuss the intersection of data and design and the important role it plays in today's retail marketplace.
Something New from Something Old
It’s no secret that the fashion system thrives on creating and selling new products—constantly. In fact, the fashion industry is very adept at built-in obsolescence, with an especially short lifecycle, wherein the very item that was heralded as the “must have” in September is no longer even desirable or cool in February. So, it’s time to start really asking why we, as customers, continue to support brands that have no real impetus to change, no matter their storied histories. It’s time to start putting our money where our mouth is. If we want change, then things must actually change and that may mean letting go of nostalgia, so that fashion brands will be forced to adapt, or make way for more innovative brands that don’t trade on built-in obsolescence.
Independent Thinkers: The Rise of Generation Z - Miloni hosts Mrudula
Miloni Kothari hosts Mrdulua Joshi as part of our special summer series, “Independent Thinkers: The Rise of Generation Z.” Miloni is currently a MPS Fashion Management graduate student at Parsons School of Design. Mrudula is the founder of Ullisu and is focused on living a zero-waste lifestyle.
Conversation with Valerie Mayén, Founder, YellowcakeShop
Valerie Mayén discusses her ongoing work to create a more sustainable fashion company that puts her employees, customers and the environment at the forefront of all her business decisions. She also shares her insights as a Latina entrepreneur.
Conversation with Timo Rissanen, Associate Professor, UTS
Timo Rissanen challenges listeners with innovative ways to think more sustainability about the fashion system, including design and retail. He focuses on the role that consumers play in this complex system and discusses the intrinsic connection between sustainability and social justice.
Conversation with Sam Cotton, Creative Director, Raiment
Sam Cotton shares insight on the fashion design process within the context of the full supply chain, from sourcing materials and production to retailing and end use. He discusses the fashion industry within the wider lens of philosophic and economic models and shares his ideas for a more sustainable future.