Conversation with Zi Xuan and Yijia Wang, Co-Creators, advene
Zi Xuan and Yijia Wang, founders of Advene, discuss the process of developing a new accessories brand in the middle of the pandemic, with a focus on sustainability and transparency. They discuss the intersection of data and design and the important role it plays in today's retail marketplace.
Los empleados de las tiendas están en la primera línea de batalla
En este episodio, “Los empleados de las tiendas están en la primera línea de batalla”, hablaremos sobre los retos y oportunidades que existen para involucrarse a conciencia con los empleados de las tiendas durante una crisis de salud.
Las mascarillas son las nuevas bolsas de moda
En este episodio, “Las mascarillas son las nuevas bolsas de moda”, exploraremos cómo el Covid-19 ha afectado las tendencias de moda, convirtiendo algo requerido en algo deseado.
Le masque ce nouveau IT bag
Dans cet épisode, “Le Masque facial, ce nouveau it bag”, nous explorons la manière dont la covid-19 a influencé les tendances pour finalement faire d’un produit obligatoire un objet désirable.
Annonce: News Bytes + FashionUnited, édition française
Bonjour, je suis Julia Garel, animatrice de l’édition française de Fashion Consort NewsBytes. News Bytes a été créé par Joshua Williams, professeur et consultant dans l'industrie de la mode, spécialisé dans l’aspect commercial et business de la créativité et du design.
Bonus Conversation: Jeanette & Glenda
MPS Fashion Management students Jeanette Gong and Glenda Widjaja share their retail strategies for Aimé Leon Dore and Urban Outfitters, as part of their “Retailing and Service Design” final projects. They also provide insight on Gen Z customers and how brands can better engage them.
Conversation with Brandon Roe, Marketing Expert & Author
Brandon Roe provides insight on how luxury brands can better engage customers by understanding the unique cohorts that shop for luxury products and services. He also provides clear steps that fashion brands can take to ensure they manage through the Covid-19 crisis—internally and externally—and come out stronger post-pandemic.
Bonus Episode: Hopes & Fears for Fashion’s Future
In this short, bonus episode, Jordana Guimaraes discusses the hopes and fears that fashion industry professionals are grappling with during the Covid-19 pandemic. Notwithstanding the real issues the pandemic has created, she posits that a time of crisis creates opportunity to design innovative solutions.